Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Leader Affects the Outcome of an Ethical Situation Essay

The Leader Affects the Outcome of an Ethical Situation - Essay ExampleThe health provider and any early(a) concerned person moldiness respect any decision by the patient. The case of Eduardo Rosas Cruz, a 25-year-old atomic number 65 patient, is an example of a patient that refused treatment, according to the principle of autonomy. The man who is from the northern atomic number 20 disappeared immediately he was diagnosed with tuberculosis (Fauria, 2014). He was arrested and taken to a medical center and kept under guard. The leader who is the health care provider influences the upshot by ordering the patient to remain in a hotel room under isolation. The patient violated the orders and escaped leading the health providers worried just about the security of the uninfected. As a nurse leader, I would create a quarantine room in the hospital for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and offer quality services for those quarantined. The action will help the patient to feel comfort able and recover fast. I would also ensure that any other patient diagnosed with a similar disease undergoes thorough counseling in the psychiatry department.American Nurses Association,. (2015). Short Definition s of Ethical Principles and Theories Familiar Words. What do they man. Retrieved 25 May 2015, from http//, K. (2014). Arrest Warrant Issued For Santa Barbara TB Patient. The Washington Times. 26 May 2015, from

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