Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Food production and service systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Food production and serv glass systems - Essay ExampleThe agile diet items like meat, eggs, fish, bakery, beverages, etc. argon increasingly consumed by the people in todays world. This led corporate houses in the diet industry to invest in fast fodder business. With the presence of a large number of customers in the fast food industry, the number of business houses began to tap the opportunities of increasing involve of fast food. In high society to cater to the rising demand of fast food consumers, the production of the fast food were also increase over the years. In order to provide fast food to the consumers with convenience that specially fits the requirements of cost and time, the fast food outlets were developed. Easy and low cost establishment of the fast food outlets helped this industry to cater to a large number of customers at optimal cost. The delivery system of the fast food chains is also important for sustainable business in the exceedingly competitive markets. Several potential opportunities in fast food industry motivated the producers to invest in the emerging overseas markets apart from their domestic markets for magnification of business. Several fast food outlet and food chains are visible in the food markets with the producers focusing on quality fast food with excellence service to gain competitive edge in this high competitive market. (Brotherton, 2012, p.22). McDonalds McDonalds is one of the largest fast food chains in the world. The company has spry presence in 119 countries and is catering more than 68 million customers. McDonalds started their fast food business with the sell of hamburgers which became famous among the consumers. Over the years McDonalds have increased their offerings by looking at the growing demands among their consumers. The production in fast food category of McDonalds includes variety of food items of chicken, fish and also beverages like ice cream. The fast food offered to the customers include hambur gers, fried chickens, cheeseburgers, pizza, French fries, salad, fried fish items, beverages, milkshakes and also a combination of all these offerings (Smith, 2007, p.40). The production and distribution of fast food is customized as per the requirements of different markets. McDonalds have special offerings in the name of McRib which are sandwiches sold by the company for particular seasons. Due to the seasonality of McRib, the sale of such sandwiches is in the peak levels of the season in which it is offered. Several fast food outlets of McDonalds in Asia are selling soup and beverages which are comparatively in high demand in the market. The fast food outlets of McDonalds sell beer in Germany and other European countries. The regional food taboos are also followed by the McDonalds fast food outlets

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