Friday, June 21, 2019

Philosophy business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Philosophy business ethics - Essay ExampleHe has to take some initiative to make unnecessary his company from grave losses.First of all, I argue that if habitual do drugs use was the main cause of the declining profit, Mr. Bowie has the right to defend his company by conducting the drug test. As the leader of a company, Mr. Bowie has to fulfill his duty and responsibility to ensure the safety of the company to satisfy the stockholders. It is natural for him to feel so dejected virtually his companys future, since he has struggled a lot for the betterment of the companys productivity. Still, bad performance began to be displayed by his employees due to lack of professionalism and faithfulness for the last fifteen years. Finally, he discovered that the root cause of all the mishaps is that most of the employees relied on drugs. Now, when he is finally familiar with the root cause of the task and the effective results implemented by the strategy of drug testing, he unequivocally has the right to use the drug test and it is even his job to do so, because if he goes on ignoring the method, it would mean that he is not fulfilling his duty as the chief manager of the company.The strategy that is to be discussed presently and which I support, is drug testing, that includes having an employee tested for their urine in the presence of two other persons of the same sex in the same room. Now, this idea of having the urine tested explicitly in drift of two other persons, no matter if they may be of the same sex, can very potently appear to be extremely humiliating and mucilaginous for any employee, and that is the major reason why people stand up against this method. That does not mean this strategy should be eradicated or banned completely. I, personally, believe this to be profoundly vital for the long-term success of any company because sometimes, the very threat of drug testing can work miracles. This threat is especially structural when it is effectively used at the time of employing new persons as

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