Monday, August 26, 2019

International Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International Human Rights - Essay Example rnments act in particular ways or to refrain from given acts, for the reason of protecting and promoting human rights and other fundamental freedoms of people (Buergenthal, 67). Non-discrimination principle is a broadly-based one in the international human rights law. The principle stands out to be so much vital in all the key human rights treaties thereby providing the central theme of a number of international human rights conventions for example, elimination of racial discrimination and discrimination against Women. With respect to all human rights and freedoms the principle of non-discriminatory eliminates discrimination of all aspects be it color, race or any other factor. The equality blends well with the principle of non-discriminatory since every individual is born free and equal to rights and dignity. All human rights are interdependent, interrelated and indivisible, whether the rights are political or civil, for example, the right to life, equality before the law, and freedom of expression; social, economic, and cultural rights, for example the right to housing, work and social security, or even collective rights, for example the rights to self-determination and development. Universality principle of human rights is the foundation of international human rights law. This principle has been reiterated in various international human rights declarations, resolutions, and conventions. For instance, Vienna World Conference of 1993 giving illustrations on human rights stated that it is the role of States to promote and protect all human rights and freedoms, despite of their cultural, political and economic systems. The expression of universality of the human rights is seen when states ratify the fundamental human rights treaties beyond all boundaries and civilizations Human rights are inalienable in that they should not be taken away from the individual they are duet to, except in specific circumstances and with respect to due process. The right to liberty,

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