Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hitchcock film analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hitchcock film analysis - Essay Example In the case of this movie, such an effect is still powerful even in a modern age of high technological development and the special effects involved in film production. In fact, the way Hitchcock shocks people’s minds in his horror movies is rather psychological than visual. And so, in a given paper the ability of this director to create a horror using our ordinary fears is analyzed with the help of his movie â€Å"The Birds†. To start with, fact that the movie was created only 9 years after the story of Daphne du Maurier published demonstrates the high level of Hitchcock’s awareness of the trends of his time. In particular, he knew well about literature that shocks and cinematic means that can help to save this effect. In comparison to the novel, the movie showed the same level of horrific atmosphere and despair in the given circumstances. In this context, the storyline of adaptation is quite simple. The main heroine Melanie Daniels (played by Tippi Hedren) brings to her friend Mitch Brenner the cage with lovebirds as his younger sister Cathy has a birthday. But, the lovely story turns into the nightmare for everyone in an area. In particular, all the birds steadily start attacking all the people who are available for them. Even though separately these creatures are peaceful and inspiring, in huge numbers they bring death and fear. In the movie, they either consciously attack the human body or pro voke the car accidents and gas exposures. And so, the ordinary life of a small American city is turned into the struggle to keep all the member of family alive within only one day. In particular, it is striking that the situation created in the movie cannot be solved by human effort as the birds are uncontrolled and have no mind to be convinced by human arguments. Therefore, the very simplicity of the given plot is the best option to

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