Monday, December 9, 2019

Foundations of Mythology free essay sample

†¢How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, â€Å"It’s a myth† mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The word â€Å"myth† is popularly used to provide understanding or reasoning behind many of the complex questions that we may have in our lives. Questioning our existence and the struggle to understand why we are on the earth has provoked the creation of many myths that attempt to give meaning to the world we live in. In an academic context, the word â€Å"myth† is what we use to describe the way our ancestors perceived the world around them at that time. When we study ancient cultures we refer to many of their beliefs as myths because over time we have gained a better understanding of the world around us and can provide logical explanations for why certain events have occurred. And also it can more of a dismissive tone to it. Where someone can take something that disobeys reality or the realm of possibility and just excuses it bye just utter the words â€Å"That’s Just a Myth† and everything is excused and fantasy. Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of mankind. Some of the reasons myths share similar and universal themes are throughout history early civilizations have used myths to explain away thing that early man could not understand. Things that today seem silly such as a god of thunder that controlled thunder and lighting and that would hurdle them down on us from above like spears would seem plausible and take on a life of their own. Other natural phenomena like, night and day, the changing of the seasons, lunar cycles, and natural disasters could all be associated with a myth or a god the controlled everything. Also the three major religions of the world today all seem to have their origins at least in part from the same part of the world and have spread all over the world. It is not a stretch to believe that there might be some similarities all over the world. †¢What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death. The relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion is one that interweaved, where religion, mythology and belief share the most in common, knowledge is just as important. Mythology and religion intersect in their origins; because of the belief in mythology religion grew. I don’t believe you can really have one without the other. Most religions today at least the big 3 rely on a foundation or a belief in a Supreme Being or deity that takes on mythical status and is the bias of those religions. Without the belief in the myth the religions would fall apart. And that leads us to the where they diverge, in to today society more and more people have begun to question religion atheism is one of the fast growing problem facing modern day religions. Where religion once relied and mythology for its origins in today day and age religion itself is being categorized as mythology itself. How would you defend mythology’s relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify human experience. In today’s world mythology is divided, if you are a person of faith then mythology is very important ones religion is built on a belief in a supreme being which in todays â€Å"I need prove proof† society makes it hard so mythology plays a part there to build upon the mystic of the religion. As noted earlier in today society I believe religion has been reduce to a form of entertainment, a very good form I believe. It has its place it all depends on how one looks at the world. One who is open minded can believe in a religion / mythology and yet still have that â€Å"I need proof† mentality, one just has to put thing into prospective. Some of my favorite interest involves mythology but not religion. I don’t believe that today any believes that gods control the world if they do that is there option I chose not to believe in that.

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