Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana Essay example - 1598 Words
Marijuana 2 While it seems that numbers are steadily increasing, to legalize marijuana, there are still many states who have yet to legalize the use of medical marijuana. Many of the public feel that, due to the recent legalization of medical marijuana, the U.S. is a step closer to legalization marijuana for use by the general public. Choosing to legalize marijuana for the general public will cause an increase in users and put users health at risk, both mentally and physically. In 1937, a legislation was passed, the marijuana tax act, giving the government control over the drug which made it illegal. Twenty years later, harsher laws with mandatory sentences for any drug convictions were put in place. A movement in the 1970’s†¦show more content†¦Marijuana 3 Marijuana contains a mind altering drug and contains 400 other chemicals, some of which are known as cancer causing chemicals. (, 2010). Smoking these 400 chemicals in one marijuana cigaret te is like smoking one entire pack of cigarettes. (marijuana addiction) THC changes how the brain works, as stated on the website in the article â€Å"Marijuana Facts (Pot, Weed)†, it acts as a downer causing depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. A study found that smoking marijuana on a regular basis increased the risk of psychosis by 40%. Teens who smoke marijuana before age 15 will also be more likely to have anxiety and depression in early adulthood. (, 2010). Marijuana is often times referred to as the â€Å"gateway drug†meaning many users often start out just using marijuana but then crave for a greater high and move on to more harsh drugs like cocaine and heroin. Marijuana is known to increase the heart rate which can cause additional health problems such as high blood pressure or even cause a stroke or heart attack. Users seem to get extremely paranoid and have impaired judgment and coordination. (abovetheinflue Loss of short term memory is a side effect that is widely reported by users. Marijuana is not physically addictive. â€Å"Marijuana addiction is theShow MoreRelatedLegalizing Marijuana2983 Words  | 12 PagesDecember 3, 2012 The topic of marijuana has been a big topic for the past few years. The United States considers marijuana as a drug, in some other countries they say it is a natural herb that is grown from the ground. The issue at hand is â€Å"should marijuana be legalized?†the congress of the US stay in a constant debate on this subject. Why is the subject of marijuana such in high demand, if the US already considers it a drug? There are many facts that need to be looked at before a finalRead MoreReasons for Legalizing Marijuana841 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana Abstract Marijuana can be used by the public for many purposes. Medicine is an important part of our lives and marijuana has been tested to cure cancerous cells as well as help people with their epilepsy. Using marijuana for medical purposes is one major aspect that people should take into consideration for legalizing it. Marijuana’s market has also been brought to many people’s attention because it has been poised to grow faster thanRead MoreThe Battle Of Legalizing Marijuana1289 Words  | 6 Pages Jake Mincher Mrs. Hasty English 1, 1st Hour 4/20/17 The Battle to Legalize Marijuana in the United States The United States is splitting up into two sides with the date of 4/20 coming closer with one wanting the legalization of the plant substance and the other opposing it. According to the United Nations, 158.8 million people around the world use marijuanaâ€â€more than 3.8% of the planet’s population. Marijuana was legalized on the 20th of April in Colorado in 2014. It has been legalized in variousRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalizing Marijuana1324 Words  | 6 PagesDoes it really come to morality after all? The decision to legalize marijuana has been subject for debate since first introduced in 1969; many arguing the fact that we are sitting on an industry worth an estimated 113 billion dollars. For once we have an opportunity to make a real impact in our economy. We have an aid on â€Å"the war on drugs†. But are we then showing our children that legalizing drugs is really the answer to our problems or does only the big picture mater in the end? Will this bringRead M oreThe Issue Of Legalizing Marijuana1821 Words  | 8 PagesThe issue of Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic of modern times. The use of marijuana is all over the media with celebrities doing it and young people in on the craze. Marijuana is the world’s oldest illegal drug, not only that, it is also the drug that is most widely used among society today (Aanstoos, 2015). Different types of people use this drug for a variety of reasons, such as, as a way to disconnect from todays hectic world, something they are peer pressured into, or even medicalRead MoreBoth Sides of Legalizing Marijuana1316 Words  | 5 Pagesof us know, marijuana has been legalized in Washington and Colorado for recreational use. According to polls and predictions, Oregon may be one of the up and coming states to legalize it next. But here comes to question, Should marijuana be legalized? Why or why not? There are many pros and cons to this situation, and they all affect not just our s tate but our country as a whole. That is exactly why I chose this topic. Since middle school, there has been talk about whether marijuana should be legalizedRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use926 Words  | 4 PagesLegalizing Marijuana in Texas for Recreational Use The well known debate over the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in The United States has been ongoing since 1935. Recently Colorado and Washington have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational use. By doing so, the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana has become more of an issue than it already was and now brings other states to question whether or not they should legalize marijuana (Breecher). Which brings aboutRead MoreThe Debate over Legalizing Marijuana967 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana is a drug which is used for recreational purposes as well as medicinal purposes. However, the medicinal use of marijuana has only been suggested in the recent years because previously it was just a drug which used to be exploited by the teenagers, adults and others for their own personal purposes. Many people get arrested for illegal possession of marijuana because it is still illegal to have marijuana despite the ongoing debate of making it legal. There are many people who are againstRead MorePositives and Negatives of Legalizing Marijuana1886 Words  | 8 PagesI have always been against the use of all illegal drugs including marijuana, but while researching this topic, I have learned a lot about some of the positives of legalizing marijuana use. Considering it is classified as an illegal controlled substance, I have always been under the assumption that marijuana was bad for people, no matter what my friends may have said about how good it was. I was peer pressured into trying it when I was fourteen. I knew right away that it was not for me. It madeRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana For Open Recreational Use1261 Words  | 6 Pagesand use of marijuana for medicinal and/or recreational use. While hotly debated on both sides, one of the more ironic factors regarding the issue of legalization is that it was found to be perhaps the most logically and fairly debated topics of the state’s recent mid-term elections. T he facts of legalization are becoming more black and white and less about morality, which may be a testament to why 24 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws legalizing medicinal marijuana. Of those
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Homicides Committed By Ortiz - 879 Words
While neutralization and differential association theory both explain the homicides committed by Ortiz, the elements of differential association provide a more in-depth explanation. Ortiz learned from a very young age what attitudes and values were viewed as acceptable by his gang affiliated parents and peers. Ortiz was jumped into the 500 Block gang when he was only eleven years old. He was the youngest member of the gang ever allowed in. Considering his role models included his father, mother, aunt and older brother, which were successful gang members, he did not observe or experience an adequate exposure to conventional norms. Becoming a gang member was part of the family business. Many generations before Ortiz served in the gang and it had became a family tradition that Ortiz was expected to carry on. His friends were also in the gang because they lived in the same housing project as he did. The housing project that the gang formed due to where Ortiz was raised. The gang thrived from the poverty and disparity that was present in the housing development. The age of onset, duration, intensity and frequency are important in analyzing the influence on Ortiz s learned behaviors. Differential association states that with overexposure to non-law abiding attitudes and values, such as the ones present in the 500 Block gang and at the home of Ortiz, comes the learned behavior that committing homicide is acceptable. Like any other learned behavior, Ortiz learned thatShow MoreRelatedThe Juvenile Death Penalty Should Not Be Illegal1777 Words  | 8 Pagesbecause of the crimes that they have committed when they were juveniles (Cothern 11). When looking at the trends of juvenile crime rates when the juvenile death penalty was legal in certain states, this idea might be discouraged. In the journal Trends in Juvenile Violence by James Alan, Figure 7a shows the trends of homicide arrest rates in the years 1989-1994. This figure shows that in both age groups, 14 to 17 years old and 18 to 24 years old, the homicide arrest rates increased. In the 1 4 to 17Read MoreThe History of Capital Punishment as a Deterrent to Crime Essay2614 Words  | 11 Pagesoffenders from killing prison staff or other inmates (299 homicides occurred in state prisons between 2001 and 2006) or taking hostages to further escape bid†(pros and cons). â€Å"Texas is the leader in state executions with 387, followed by Virginia (98), Georgia (39) and Pennsylvania (3)†(Connors 17). One particular case in Texas was with a man named Ricardo Samaneigo Ortiz, who was executed this year for the murder of an inmate which he committed a little over a decade ago, in the El Paso County JailRead MoreAaron Is An Nfl Star1867 Words  | 8 PagesGainesville, Florida when an unknown shooter shot at their car, injuring two people in the car. Hernandez was suspected of being that shooter, but he was never charged with the crime. His 2015 murder conviction has led to further investigation of that homicide. For several years after, he seemed have limited his criminal involvement to small crimes and/or, maybe perhaps, to keep him from getting caught when committing more serious crimes. He tested positive in a drug test, indicating illegalRead MoreThe Black Men And Public Space By Brent Staples, The Myth Of A Latin Woman, And Shooting2366 Words  | 10 PagesStereotyping and Prejudice There has been many years of racial stereotypes and wanting to fit into a group. The essays that show this theme are Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space by Brent Staples, The Myth of the Latin Woman by Judith Ortiz Cofer, and Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell. Staples shows his audience the struggles he has gone through as a black male. Cofer shows her audience the stereotypes that surround Latin women. Orwell shows his audience the overwhelming desire ofRead MoreFemicide: A Cause for Global Economic Concern?2937 Words  | 12 Pagesencompasses some of the countries with the highest rates of femicide. A study performed by the Avante Brasil Institute in Brazil found that 40,000 women were murdered between 2001 and 2010. In 2010 alone, a femicide was committed every two hours. This translates to 4.5 homicides per 100,000 women (20 years). Various women’s groups have been formed in communities in both rural and urban areas due to the fact that the governments in th e region have deliberately ignored the situation; some governments
Monday, December 9, 2019
Foundations of Mythology free essay sample
†¢How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, â€Å"It’s a myth†mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The word â€Å"myth†is popularly used to provide understanding or reasoning behind many of the complex questions that we may have in our lives. Questioning our existence and the struggle to understand why we are on the earth has provoked the creation of many myths that attempt to give meaning to the world we live in. In an academic context, the word â€Å"myth†is what we use to describe the way our ancestors perceived the world around them at that time. When we study ancient cultures we refer to many of their beliefs as myths because over time we have gained a better understanding of the world around us and can provide logical explanations for why certain events have occurred. And also it can more of a dismissive tone to it. Where someone can take something that disobeys reality or the realm of possibility and just excuses it bye just utter the words â€Å"That’s Just a Myth†and everything is excused and fantasy. Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of mankind. Some of the reasons myths share similar and universal themes are throughout history early civilizations have used myths to explain away thing that early man could not understand. Things that today seem silly such as a god of thunder that controlled thunder and lighting and that would hurdle them down on us from above like spears would seem plausible and take on a life of their own. Other natural phenomena like, night and day, the changing of the seasons, lunar cycles, and natural disasters could all be associated with a myth or a god the controlled everything. Also the three major religions of the world today all seem to have their origins at least in part from the same part of the world and have spread all over the world. It is not a stretch to believe that there might be some similarities all over the world. †¢What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death. The relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion is one that interweaved, where religion, mythology and belief share the most in common, knowledge is just as important. Mythology and religion intersect in their origins; because of the belief in mythology religion grew. I don’t believe you can really have one without the other. Most religions today at least the big 3 rely on a foundation or a belief in a Supreme Being or deity that takes on mythical status and is the bias of those religions. Without the belief in the myth the religions would fall apart. And that leads us to the where they diverge, in to today society more and more people have begun to question religion atheism is one of the fast growing problem facing modern day religions. Where religion once relied and mythology for its origins in today day and age religion itself is being categorized as mythology itself. How would you defend mythology’s relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify human experience. In today’s world mythology is divided, if you are a person of faith then mythology is very important ones religion is built on a belief in a supreme being which in todays â€Å"I need prove proof†society makes it hard so mythology plays a part there to build upon the mystic of the religion. As noted earlier in today society I believe religion has been reduce to a form of entertainment, a very good form I believe. It has its place it all depends on how one looks at the world. One who is open minded can believe in a religion / mythology and yet still have that â€Å"I need proof†mentality, one just has to put thing into prospective. Some of my favorite interest involves mythology but not religion. I don’t believe that today any believes that gods control the world if they do that is there option I chose not to believe in that.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Review Of After Hours Essays - American People Of German Descent
Review Of After Hours Review of After Hours On Thursday, November 30, I went to see some Kutztown students perform After Hours at Schaeffer Auditorium. It was an all around great show. With the help of a talented band, they did a wonderful job. I'm really not interested in the kind of music that they sang, but they kept my attention the whole time. I thought the back-up band, or whatever you want to call them, was great. You could tell that they really enjoyed what they were playing, and what they were hearing. Alan Apple, who played the piano, was very entertaining. Personally, I thought he made the whole performance even better than it already was. He was very funny and showed great enthusiasm. With Steven Meashey on bass, Andy Scoles on drums, and Joseph Mixon on guitar, everything sounded terrific. The singers themselves had wonderful voices. The only think I didn't like about the show was the music; only because I don't like that kind of music. But because of their great singing and energy, my attention was kept throughout the whole show. The soloists sounded great. I especially loved the way everyone danced their own way, but they stilled seemed so together. After hours was a very enjoyable show. The students and musicians did a wonderful job. I really had a nice time watching and listening to them. Even though I am not really interested in that kind of music, they made me see what people do like about the music. Music
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