Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Using your research skills, you are required to conduct some research Assignment

Using your research skills, you are required to conduct some research into the employment prospects for UK graduates - Assignment Example aper will also examine the performance of the UK graduates in the past three to five years then investigate the changes and the trends that have been developing in the years. Lastly, the paper will evaluate if the benefits of obtaining a degree exceed the costs. The roles of the graduates have been changing over the years especially with the changing nature of the labour market. As seen in the research conducted by Purcell & Elias (2004), graduates in the UK today do a wide range of jobs as opposed to graduates in the past. This fact results from the changes that have been brought about by restructuring of the economy, changes in technology and the increase in the demand for skilled persons to fit in the labour industry (Purcell & Elias, 2004). The supply of labour in the UK is, therefore, changing, and the graduates have no option but to offer services that are required in the labour industry. The employment performance of the UK graduates as Purcell & Elias (2004) indicate is exemplary as the graduates have been said to work in jobs that were related to their long term careers. Since most jobs in the UK require a degree, the respondents in the research of Purcell & Elias (2004) indicated that they were satisfied with their career development. In terms of remuneration, the UK graduates have indicated a considerably good pay since employers have been indicated to pay higher premiums to degree holders as opposed to other employees. With the public sector employing a higher number of graduates than the private sector, the UK graduates are happy with their performance since their skills are required in their present employments; thus, most feel that they are well utilised (Purcell & Elias, 2004). Simply put, the UK graduates may be indicated to be satisfied with their present jobs and also reported higher levels of satisfaction in the manner in which their career was developing. Through an assessment of the graduates’ work, it is easy to assess the worth of the

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