Saturday, May 23, 2020
African American History and Women Timeline 1920-1929
The Harlem Renaissance: also called the New Negro Movement, a blossoming of arts, culture, and social action in the African American community all through the 1920s 1920 19th Amendment to the US Constitution became law, but practically this did not give the vote to Southern African American women, who, like African American men, were largely prevented by other legal and extra-legal measures from exercising the voteMamie Smith and Her Jazz Hounds recorded the first blues record, which sold more than 75,000 copies in its first monthNational League on Urban Conditions Among Negroes shortens its name to National Urban LeagueKaty Ferguson Home founded, named for 19th century African American educatorUniversal African Black Cross Nurses founded, for public education, by the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) led by Marcus GarveyZeta Phi Beta Sorority founded at Howard University, Washington, DCSadie Tanner Mossell Alexander received a Ph.D, the first African American woman to do so. Eva B. Dykes (Radcliffe) and Georgiana R. Simpson (University of Chicago) follow.(October 12) Alice Childress born (writer) 1921 Bessie Coleman became the first African American woman to earn a pilots licenseAlice Paul reversed an invitation to Mary Burnett Talbert of the NAACP to speak to the National Womans Party, asserting that the NAACP supported racial equality and did not address gender equality(September 14) Constance Baker Motley born (lawyer, activist) 1922 Lucy Diggs Stowe became Howard Universitys Dean of WomenAnti-lynching bill passes United States House, fails in the United States SenateUnited Negro Improvement Association appointed Henrietta Vinton Davis as Fourth Assistant President, responding to criticism by women members of gender discrimination(August 14) Rebecca Cole died (second African American woman to graduate from medical school, worked with Elizabeth Blackwell in New York) 1923 Bessie Smith recorded Down Hearted Blues, signing a contract with Columbia to make race records, and helping rescue Columbia from imminent failureGertrude Ma Rainey recorded her first record(September) Cotton Club opened in Harlem - women entertainers were subjected to the paper bag test: only those whose skin color was lighter than a brown paper bag were hired(October 15) Mary Burnett Talbert died (activist: anti-lynching, civil rights; nurse; NAACP director, president of the National Association of Colored Women 1916-1921)(November 9) Alice Coachman born (first African American woman to win an Olympic gold medal ((London, high jump)), National Track and Field Hall of Fame)(November 9) Dorothy Dandridge born (actress, singer, dancer) 1924 Mary Montgomery Booze became the first African American woman elected to the Republican National CommitteeElizabeth Ross Hayes became the first African American woman board member of the YWCA(March 13) Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin died (journalist, activist, lecturer)(March 27) Sarah Vaughan born (singer)(May 31) Patricia Roberts Harris born (lawyer, politician, diplomat)(August 29) Dinah Washington (Ruth Lee Jones) born (singer)(October 27) Ruby Dee born (actress, playwright, activist)(November 30) Shirley Chisholm born (social worker, politician; first African American woman to serve in the US Congress)(December 7) Willie B. Barrow born (minister, civil rights activist)1924-1928 Mary McLeod Bethune served as president of the National Association of Colored Womens Clubs (NACWC) 1925 Founding of the Hesperus Club of Harlem, the first womens auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car PortersBessie Smith and Louis Armstrong recorded St. Louis BluesJosephine Baker performed in Paris at La Revue Negro(June 4) Mary Murray Washington died (educator, founder of the Tuskegee Womans Club, wife of Booker T. Washington) 1926 First Negro History Week promoted by Carter G. WoodsonYWCA adopted an interracial charterAfrican American women were beaten in Birmingham, Alabama, for attempting to register to votePublication of Hallie Browns Homespun Heroines and Other Women of Distinction, profiles of notable African American womenViolette N. Anderson became the first African American woman attorney to present a case before the U.S. Supreme CourtBessie Coleman died (pilot) 1927 Minnie Buckingham was appointed to fill her husbands remaining term in the West Virginia state legislatureSelena Sloan Butler founded the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, focusing on segregated colored schools in the South (merged with PTA in 1970)Mary White Ovington published Portraits in Color, biographies of African American leadersFuneral for actress Florence Mills drew more than 150,000 in HarlemNella Larsens novel, Quicksand, publishedJosephine Baker played in La Sirene des tropiquesTuskegee established a womens track teamCoretta Scott King born (activist, singer)(February 10) Leontyne Price born (singer)(April 25) Althea Gibson born (tennis athlete, first African American to play in American Lawn Tennis Association championship, first African American to win at Wimbledon) 1928 Publication of An Autumn Love Cycle by Georgia Douglas Johnson(April 4) Maya Angelou born 1929 Regina Anderson helped found Harlems Negro Experimental TheaterAugusta Savage won Rosenwald grant for Gamin and used the funds to study in EuropeBessie Smith recorded Nobody Knows You When Youre Down and Out(May 16) Betty Carter born (jazz singer)(October) stock market crash, a sign of the oncoming Great Depression, where African Americans, including women, were usually the last hired, first fired(1929-1934) Maggie Lena Walker chaired Consolidated Bank and Trust, which she created by merging several Richmond, Virginia, banks
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analyzing the Internationalization of Sleek Suppliers operations - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2551 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The speedy internationalization of world markets has encouraged companies of all origins and sizes to expand internationally. To make this international expansion a success, companies need to look into their human resource structure and role. This paper, based on the theories of international Human Resource Management, identifies the challenges that Sleek suppliers which is currently a domestic auto supplier company will face while internationalizing its operations and discusses ways in which the human resource manager can address these challenges. It shows how managing these challenges on reward and selection of employees can allow the company to profit from its international operation and achieve better and rapid development. This paper also explores the way in which human resource practices come into being and how they are implemented and coordinated. Introduction Human Resource Management is used to describe the formal system in an organization devised f or the management of the people within the organization. The responsibility of the human resource department in an organization is mainly divided into three areas. These are: staffing, employee reward and compensation and defining work. The main purpose of human resource management is to maximize the productivity of a company or organization which can be attained by the optimization of the employees effectiveness. Despite the ever increasing pace of change of the business world, the mandate of human resource management is unlikely to change in any fundamental way. As observed in the Journal of Business Strategy by Edward L Gubman, the core mission of human resources will always remain to obtain, develop and maintain talent: align the workforce with the business and be an excellent contributor to the industry. These three challenges will never change. As earlier mentioned, this paper looks into the internationalization of Sleek Suppliers operations into the European market. Sleek suppliers are a private sector company dealing with the supply of interiors to automobile companies. Its main objective is to expand into the Swedish and French market. This is a result of its selection by several automobile companies within these countries to supply them with interior parts for their operations. Sleek Suppliers was founded in Seattles Pike Place Market in the year 2000 under its manager and founder Michael Graham, with the aim of providing quality interior automobile parts to the local residents of this town while still maintaining quality services. In 2002, the company took a change in direction when Graham, after visiting the Peoples Republic of China, decided to adapt some new principles in order to expand and hence increase the size and revenue for the company. By 2004, Sleek Suppliers had increased its number of outlets to 15 and had furthered its location span by entering Chicago and Vancouver. With over 500 employees, the company prides itself with its ac hievements and is now looking forward to exploring the European Market, specifically France and Sweden. Overall international strategy In order to establish an effective internationalization strategy for the company, the senior management needs to ask themselves several questions which will act as a guideline in the internationalization of the companys operations. According to Bartlett and Ghoshal, an international strategy involves exploiting the parent company capabilities and knowledge through worldwide diffusion and adaptation. Some of these questions are: what type of strategy are we going to use, global, multinational or international? What type of management approach are we going to take? What steps are we going to take in order to increase local responsiveness? Is the approach going to be the same or will it be different for both locations? What typical strategic responses are we going to undertake in order to increase the firms competitive advantage? Are we going to u se explorative, adaptive or an integrative strategy in the two locations? This paper covers the different human resource management policies and practices the company will face while trying to enter these foreign markets while mainly focusing in the area of reward and selection. The objectives of this paper therefore will be to look into the multinational strategic response which will involve building a strong local presence through sensitivity and responsiveness to national differences. Other objectives will be to come up with an effective management approach in order to increase the local responsiveness and the strategic responses to undertake in order to increase the firms competitive advantage and to understand the human resource policies and practices in both of these countries. There are several theories and frameworks I will draw on in this paper. Some of these are the earlier mentioned Bartlett and Ghoshals framework and that of De Cieri and Dowling.The major difficult y that I will face when writing this paper is the abundance of information that this course offers within the text. Key issues Companies, large and small have expanded their operations by entering foreign markets. As globalization continues to speed up, organizations need to invest heavily in their human resource structure. The human factor is increasingly being recognized as critical to the success of any organization. As Bohlander and Snell commented, In the past, observers were afraid that machines may one day eliminate the need for people at work but in reality, jus the opposite has been happening. People are more essential than ever before. In most rapid rising economies, it may be easier to access capital and technology than it is to access good people. Competitive advantage therefore belongs to those organizations that know how to attract, select, develop and maintain the required human talent.The human factor is considered very vital especially when international ac tivities are involved. Although the core activities of the human resource management i.e. planning, staffing, training , performance management and rewarding do not vary much between domestic and international environments, human resource management involves a varied set of activities with a more assorted population and in a more intricate external environment. There are several factors which differentiate domestic and international human resource management some of which include broader external influences, greater risk exposure and more involvement in employees lives. Other factors are the need for a broader perspective and variation changes in emphasis as the workforce mix of parent-country nationals and the host -country nationals. It is however important to note that a certain amount of similarities between domestic and global human resource management activities are potentially transferable across the nations in context though the extent of transferability is defined by the host country. Failure for companies to recognize differences in managing its human resource structure in foreign environments often leads to difficulties in the company or organizations international operations. As Desantnick and Bennett concluded, the major causes of failure in international venture arise from a lack of understanding of the crucial differences in organization human resources at all levels in foreign environments. There are certain techniques and philosophies that have proved successful in the domestic environment but their application in a foreign environment often leads to frustration and failure. These considerations are as vital as the financial and marketing criteria upon which many decisions to undertake international ventures depend. Hence, when a company decides to internationalize its operations, it should consider the human factor as a very important variable in the decision making process. A broader view of international human resource management is n ecessary in order to better explain the difficulty and challenges faced in the management of international human resource issues. A common example of a hypothetical framework that has been derived from a strategic approach using a multiple practical approach is that of De Cieri and Dowling. Their framework assumes that international firms operate in the context of worldwide conditions, including the external contexts of a nation and inter-organizational networks. It further explains that international firms compete in an increasingly compound environment where the challenges of doing business can be highly variable. International companies and organizations rely on having the right people to manage and run their businesses and good international human resource management practices that are appropriate to the situation in which they take place. Combining the appropriate workforce and human resource practices is a vital success factor in international business ventures. According to A koorie and Scott-Kennel, 2005 companies may desire to be globally connected to the digital market by using the web to become more proactive in market competition and strategies. Human resource policies are a set of rules and guidelines that are laid down by a company or an organization in order to ensure a healthy working environment for its employees. A human resource policy that is straight to the point ensures a healthy working environment as well as creating a sense of security to the employees. Developing human resource policies involves a lot of thought process as a poorly designed policy may affect the good will of a company in a negative way. These policies should not be too complacent as this will cause divergence of the organization from its main objective. However an organizations human resource policy should be crafted on the basis of the overall human resource policies of the country in which the organization is situated. Most countries have their own human resour ce policy and companies that make their base in a country should craft its human resource policy accordingly. France In France, human resource policies are made to serve the wants of the employees as well as those of the employers in the best way possible. When it comes to the current state of Human Resource management in France, it should be accepted that Frances policies are not the same as those of other countries because of its exceptionality on a number of fronts and the current government in power. These differences in human resource practices are not likely to arise in terms of which tasks to be dealt with but rather how they are dealt with. With the steadily changing employment legislation and global pressure and intense domestic competition, French organizations have initiated fundamental changes during the last decade. Emphasis has been observed to shift from economizing to adding value as market stakeholders are demanding quality and cost effective products where as competitors on the other hand are demanding even playing fields across cultures.There are many arguments raised for and against the success of international companies managing their Human Resource issues in a multinational organization culture. Around ten years ago, it was already said that A small number of business organizations today could claim to be unaffected by globalizations and pressures for competitiveness, and the tendency has unquestionably caused the management of Human resource to take on new strategic significance (Lundy, 1994 p.5) An in-depth analysis of Frances human resource policies reveals the fact that it is an incorporation of several other policies which include the adoption leave policy, working time policy, vacation policy, sick leave policy and employee relations policy. Adoption leave policy deals with leave for employees, both single and married couples who adopt children up to 18 years of age. Human resource policy should also comprise of leave pol icy which deals with the provision of leaves for the employees. Employees should not only be able to know about the leaves that they can apply for but also the procedure involved applying for and getting the leave. Unlike the rest of Europe, France boasts of a distinct feature in its working policy where an employee is allocated a 35 hour working week. This particular policy is deliberately planned by the government in order to increase employment in the country. While framing its human resource policy, a company needs to take into account that French citizens are entitled to five weeks of vacation annually. Sick leaves in France are also very employee-friendly. During sick leaves the employee receives various social security benefits and is also supplemented by complementary sum paid by the employer. Health and safety policies are aimed at protecting employees from various occupational risks. This policy includes raising awareness, guidance and assistance to minimize the risk from any sort of accident or disease. Employee relations policy should greatly be emphasized during the framing of human resource policies in order to ensure a healthy employee relation. However the success of this policy not only depends on the framing but also how well it is implemented. The human resource policy in France is as a result of the strong impact of legal and political characteristics of the French. The various features of human resource policies in this country like recruitment, training, management and compensation are a vital part of its human resource policy. Most French companies make it a point to translate their human resource policies into the various work programs. These policies are designed to build the structure and culture of the organization and to ensure the commitment and motivation of the employees in order fro them to deliver the best quality of work. The future of human resource policies in France seems to be bright as more companies realize its growin g significance. There are other emerging policies such as career agreement of employees which helps to provide them with a comprehensive career plan. Sweden Sweden is among European countries that adapted an international study of call centers with the focus on human resource practices and performance known as the Global Call Centre Industry project (GCC). Call centers can be defined as organizations whose main purpose is to work with clients over long distances, supported by information technology. Although the telephone is the primary communication channel, the trend is slowly moving towards other channels such as the internet and email. In Sweden, call centers have been regarded as an industry consisting of specialized companies some of which undertake outsourced customer-related services on behalf of others, known as external call centers. However, most call centers in this country are internal operations referring to a department that is part of the larger organization with a different primary activity. Over the last several years, working life in Sweden has changed drastically, creating a whole new range for human resource managers. For many years, this country has been famous for the harmony in its labor market and the lack of demarcation disputes between unions which afflict other countries. Though much of this harmony has disappeared in recent years, this countrys reputation has an extended history. Battles between employee and employer were rampant in the 1920s which culminated in the agreement between the unions and employers in 1937. When it comes to training and professional development, Swedish human resource policy dictates that the basic training provided during the first year of employment, should vary between 1 and 156 days including introduction and practical experience. Also new employees within an organization or company should be provided with basic training lasting from one to twenty days. The amount of post basic training provi ded for employees within an organization should vary between 0 and 50 days per year on average. This policy dictates that the time required for an employee to become fully qualified should be between zero and seventeen weeks though qualifying times for each employee may vary. Conclusion From the above, it is evident that Human Resource management plays a major role in the success of the involved companies. Organizations and companies, both local and international should therefore invest in this function in order to create a healthy working environment for the employees hence maximize their revenue. When internationalizing its operations, a company may face challenges but these challenges can be overcome by creation and implementation proper human resource policies. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analyzing the Internationalization of Sleek Suppliers operations" essay for you Create order
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nursing Theories, Metaparadigms, and Ways of Knowing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1957 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction The nursing field is complex for an individual to define since it is evolving, dynamic and extensive study involving theoretical as well as practical skills. The nurses are identified by clients in various ways. The nurses are identified using aspects such as empirics or science, ethical, aesthetics or art, personal as well as social-political understandings. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nursing Theories, Metaparadigms, and Ways of Knowing" essay for you Create order There are different concepts applied in the nursing career, and they include metaparadigms and paradigms. Other fundamentals in the nursing career include various ways of knowing nursing theories in details. This paper discusses metaparadigms and paradigms concepts applied in nursing and ways of identifying nursing theories. Metaparadigms It is a combining force in the nursing discipline that is used to name phenomena. The central concepts applied in metaparadigms concept include nursing, environment, person, and health. Many philosophical disagreements have emerged from this theoretical project. First, conceptualization of the individual has been developed by the different theorist. Most of the nursing theories are distinguished in various manners in which they conceptualize the client. However, some of the nursing theories have expanded to the family and community level. Currently, there are several disagreements between the theorists on how nurses should understand the client as required by their profession. The understanding of human beings is a crucial aspect of nursing theory and practice. According to the ancient nursing practices, nurses employed the use of biomedical perspective which focused on the patient’s body. The method involved descriptions that determined the state of illness. It was prone to l aboratory tests. Currently, nursing practice and science have been identified by the clients and community as the only determinant of sickness (Wagner, n.d). Besides, conceptualization of health has been identified as a prior aspect. Currently, nurses have defined life as a critical outcome for any patient. Some of the theorists have identified health and quality life as totality paradigm. They have identified life as human wholeness as a compound of spiritual, social and psychological aspect dimensions. On the other hand, science theorists view human nature as complex and whole beings. Thus, health can only be reflected as a whole person. The terms such as life gratification, functional status and well-being coping are attributed to quality life. According to Parse (1994), â€Å"quality of life cannot be separated from the person’s lived experience and thus can only be described at that moment by the person living the life.†Similarly, the human science research identified quality life as an ‘apprehension of the whole-in-motion’’ (Parse 1994 pp.19). The aspect has changed the nursing perspective whic h involved state and process of self-actualization or use of an individual’s life to wholesome being. Conceptualization of the environment is apparent to nursing theories. Some of the nursing theories identify environment as an immediate surrounding and circumstances of the individuals without giving detailed information to social, political and economic forces. Conversely, simultaneity paradigm determines person and environment as spreadable to the degree that a person is attached from the cosmos. Therefore, simultaneity theories have come up with a different view on the individual know-how of the environment decontextualized from common or political understandings. Regarding the environment concept to the perception of a person, challenges emerge the moment people are confronted with problems that cannot be comprehended in the absence of skilled personnel (Maville Huerta, 2008). In both theories, that is totality and simultaneity paradigms orientation is mainly meant to the individuals and not the society. Although the concept of a person is linked to family and community, most of the nursing theories including the traditional health promotion are individualistic. The theories mainly focus on the life variations for the individual’s behavior. Furthermore, conceptualization of nursing is a crucial aspect. The social aspirations of nursing career were developed as a result of scientific proficient knowledge and skills. The faulty moral superiority in the 1970s and 180s led to the emergence of the health consumer movement. The clients or patients interrogated their nurses, claimed for their rights and were exposed to an original source of information to make the decision about their health. The aspect changed the role of the nurse from intervening’’ the cause of disease. Most of the radical expressions viewed or identified nurses as contaminants of the individual’s health. As a result, nurses were eliminated from the perspective since people know their own way more efficiently. The theory of human becoming, individuals know their own way and reflectively. The nurse in real presence bears witness to the person’s unfolding and becoming’’ (Mitchell Cody 1992 p. 60). Thus, the clients w ere given the responsibility to determine about health. Paradigms The term refers a pattern of shared empathize and conventions about the authenticity of a particular word. Paradigm acts the determinant of the research topics to be analyzed, how to carry out the investigation and derivation of theories in the nursing career. Paradigm is divided into various categories which include empirical paradigm, interpretive paradigm, and critical paradigm. Different phenomena analyzed that nursing research is diverse and thus pragmatic methodology is crucial to understand the discipline better. Besides, pragmatic approach is essential as it allows nurses to address research questions with the correct guiding strategies. Moreover, this concept enables the objective of nursing to promote health and at the same time relieve sufferings (Weaver Olson, 2006). Therefore, the researchers are not required to support the ideological camp firmly instead they are supposed to select a research methodology appropriate to the phenomenon under investigation. The types of paradigms include empirical paradigm, interpretive paradigm, and critical paradigm. First, empirical paradigm stipulates that no reality is lawfully certified through one’s senses. Thus, skills and knowledge are acquired as a result of controlling the challenges entailed in the variables with the aim of determining their relationship. According to the researchers, empirical paradigm significantly contributes to research in the nursing career. It enables the growth and testing of the hypotheses, the interrelationships that exist between different variables as well as the comparison of the variables. The theoretical development of empirical nursing is essential since it enables one to predict the type of theory that can be established in each nursing paradigm. The empirical paradigm has contributed towards the development of various theories in nursing. For instance, the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT) theory which states, nursing is required when personsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ needs for self-care exceed their ability to provide self-care’’ (Orem, 2001). Secondly, the interpretive paradigm is crucial in the nursing discipline (Weaver Olson, 2006). The interpretive paradigm inspects the phenomenon through the use of bear eyes. Thus, the experience and knowledge of the individual are important as it should be beyond quantifications of an external observer. The interpretive paradigm veracity is usually based one’s perception (Gillis Jackson, 2002). Thus, there is no existence of reality as compared to the empirical paradigm. The interpretive paradigm is qualitative to enhance comprehension of the phenomenon that is experienced by a particular population. Therefore, the method is important as it allows the researchers to comprehend the phenomenon through eyes in the presence of other people. The theoretical development in the interpretive paradigm is different from the empirical paradigm. The general evolution of the empirical paradigm is based on deduction, analyses, and testing of the theory. Conversely, interpretive paradigm employs the use of induction and theory for its development. The middle range theory of resilience which recognizes the unique experiences and changes of a person, however, it is essential in the nursing setting (Polk, 1997). Also, the critical paradigm is an important method in the nursing career. The method mainly centers on social struggles, ascendancy as well as institutions which aim at the development of democratic civilization (Gillis Jackson, 2002). Therefore, this method aims at the elimination of oppression of the community. According to Butterfield (2013), nurses employ the use of practice to change parents’ beliefs. The aspect aims at changing the health beliefs that individuals have. The nursing practices significantly consider the societal factors and ways that should be employed to act on the elements. The research in this method mainly focuses on the creation of change. Besides, critical paradigm focuses on strategy development, partnership and consciousness-raising (Wuest, 2012). The theoretical development that can be applied to this method is the feminist theory. The theory is relevant to nursing as a female profession. Thus, lack of knowledge in the nursing career is linked wit h lack of respect for women in the society. According to Wuest (2012), indicates that feminist theory should be applied in research to eliminate the aspects of feminism in the society. Ways of Knowing Nursing Concepts The clients identify nurses in various ways. The nurses are identified using aspects such as empirics or science, ethical, aesthetics or art, personal as well as social-political understandings. First, the science of nursing is used in nursing identification. Carper stated that there is a critical need for knowledge about the empirical world, the knowledge that is systematically organized into general laws and theories for the purpose of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena of special concern to the discipline of nursing (Carper 1978 pp.14). The knowledge is essential since it links the nursing theory to application practice. The application of empirical knowledge enables nurses to interpret unidentified clinical challenges and have an immediate response. Also, an art of nursing is used in the identification of nurses. The aspect of art in nursing is identified as the ability to connect or relate with patients. The art is crucial as it enables an individual to pursue a degree nursing field. The art of nursing varies from science nursing. The art cannot be physically touched or examined. It involves factors such care and empathy that should be employed to the patients (Carper, 1978). Besides, ethical knowledge is used to influence patient’s care. The nurses are required to comprehend the moral principles such as privacy, advocacy, autonomy, and confidentiality. Nurses should employ the principles in an atmosphere of respect of the values as well as morals of other individuals. It is necessary for nurses to develop the code of ethics to stick to the nursing profession. Watsons theory of human caring demonstrates the concepts of the nurse to be aware of any decisions and exceptionality of each client with the aim preserving ones dignity (Watson, 2009). Moreover, personal knowledge is applied in the identification of nurses. This process involves self-reflection and legitimacy of the nurses. Additionally, social, political experience is essential as entails the social, economic, political and the cultural practices of the nursing career. The socio-political can be practical in the nursing field through examination of minor sociological factors such as labelin g (Community Health Nurses Association of Canada, 2008). Types of Theories in Nursing The grand nursing theory presents the widespread perceptions and propositions. Most theories at this level can be used to explain attitudes, but on the other hand, they are not applied in empirical testing. Thus, the grand theory is limited to direction and prediction of nursing in certain conditions. At this level, all theories are projected to be relevant to all cases in the nursing field. Additionally, the middle range nursing theory is appropriate in nursing practice. This theory was anticipated by Robert Merton (1968); a sociologist provided this approach to be used in challenging condition and proper empirical testing. The middle range theories are not detailed as compared grand theories. However, they provide an effective bond between the grand theories and nursing practices (Fawcett, 2000). Furthermore, the nursing practice theory is applied in nursing situations. The theory has the most limited scope and is particularly used in particular nursing conditions. All theories developed at this level have direct effects in the nursing practice. The theories in this level provide contexts for nursing interventions and its impacts. Additionally, theories in this level employ the use of nursing questions and events in nursing exercise (Hickey, 2009).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet By William Shakespeare A Tragic Story That...
The play â€Å"Hamlet†, by William Shakespeare, is a tragic story that entangles madness, deception, and lies in order to have revenge present in â€Å"Hamlet.†Throughout the play Hamlet seeks out his revenge on his uncle affecting everyone around him, as well as others who seek out revenge. By doing so those around Hamlet become part of the web Hamlet has weaved just to carry his fathers demand. In the play various people seek out revenge but through the plans of revenge it inevitably brings tragedy and unexpected outcomes. Now in the present revenge, most of the time, ends with the happy ending. Usually revenge is seen as the â€Å"heroic†revenge where at the end it leads to the happy ending for the â€Å"good guys.†The media usually shows the positive side of revenge. Which in return shows most the sweet side of revenge that ends up giving people a good take on revenge. Showing that a good dose of revenge will make everything better. A modern outtake of this is the new movie Deadpool. The main actor decides to seek out revenge on the man that almost destroying his life. He successfully acts out his revenge and takes out the one who destroyed his old life. This is just a classic ending; with the act of revenge successfully acted out it leads to the clichà © happy ending. â€Å"Hamlet†nonetheless shows that revenge is achieved through paying a deadly price. Instead of Hamlet acting out his revenge successfully without losing anything and ending up with a happy ending, Hamlets act of revengeShow MoreRelatedshakespeare influences16068 Words  | 65 Pagesï » ¿ RESEARCH TOPIC An Analytic Review Of Shakespearean Influence On Faulkner s Tragedy RESEARCH QUESTION How Shakespeare tragic patterns influenced on William Faulkner s writings? NAME: SYEDA AMBREEN FATIMA FATHER’S NAME: SYED HASAN AKHTER SEAT NO: 1315793 ENROLMENT NO: 2013/ENG/M.A(LIT)/15681 DATE OF SUBMISSION: 28TH NOV 2013 SUBMITTED TO: MISS SAMREEN
Gender and Sexual Exploitation in Advertisement Free Essays
Jacob Erdy Prof. Molyneaux ENG 110 10/18/12 Gender and Sexual Exploitation in Advertisement In Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt, Jean Kilbourne sheds a feminist light on the blatant exploitation of sexuality and violence against women and men in modern advertisement. Kilbourne then goes on to explain the damage these advertisements have on today’s culture and rising generations. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender and Sexual Exploitation in Advertisement or any similar topic only for you Order Now Kilbourne argues, in the past twenty years or so there has been a steady increase of advertisements featuring pornographic elements along with other inappropriate themes such as â€Å"bondage, sadomasochism, and the sexual exploitation of children. †(576). Such images as a jean ad where a women is being attacked by three men in an alley is a perfect example of an event that should be seen as tragic but is written off as just a way to convince people to buy a product. An interesting point that Kilbourne brings up is since these images have become more and more apparent throughout everyday life, such as in magazines, newspapers, and television commercials, â€Å"most of us become numb to these images, just as we become numb to the daily litany in the news of women being raped, battered, and killed. †(584). Unfortunately, this statement is undeniably true, after being conditioned to believe that these exploitative ads are acceptable most of us would not even take a second glance if one was found in a magazine or newspaper. This is when these advertisements become dangerous, argues Kilbourne. She doesn’t believe that these advertisements cause crimes against women, but when these crime arise these ads somewhat justify certain actions because of their omnipresence in society. I agree with Kilbourne, these advertisements do portray a world where crimes against women are acceptable, which in result, make people believe there is some sort of justification of these crimes when they are brought up. These exploitative ads need to be curbed in hopes to â€Å"thaw out†society’s opinions and tolerance for crimes against women. How to cite Gender and Sexual Exploitation in Advertisement, Papers
Music Sampling free essay sample
The language in our popular music has the ability to shape ones reality. For instance rap artists in their first couple albums that are released their lyrics tell the story of their lives and how hard it was for them before the fame and glory they live today. I think some people can thrive on that and in turn will motivate them to do something for the greater good because they can relate to the experiences and the hard times rap artists have gone through. A good example of this is Tuba Shaker In his song titled Changes. He uses the same beat of the original song written by Phil Collins in 1989, Thats Just the way It Is. I Like Tubas remix better because It Is more up beat and relates to my generation. I believe that Tuba set a new standard for modern day rap artists. Mine Is very aware of Tubas Impact and also uses older beats from older pop artists In his works. Sampling could be taking some of another artist sound recording or lyrics. In todays society majority of the music being played is sampled music from previous generations. Usually when a new artist samples old music It regenerates the song that they took the sample from. Sampling can also Involve creative manipulations, such as changing the speed or pitch of the original sample. The genre Hip-Hop is one of todays popular genres which is made from sampling music. Music sampling began in the sasss and has been used till this day. The introduction of music sampling and hip-hop was a turning point in history leading into a powerful cultural and musical movement. Most of the music that is used for sampling came from Jazz music..It wasnt until the 1 sass and early ass that music sampling really blow up with hip-hop. Vinyl records and tape loops were used to ample music The sampling was done by Ids who had turntables. For more than fifty years music sampling has evolved, beginning with classical composers and is now moving through the hip-hop industry. Hip hop and rap has relied on the practice of sampling ever since, but youll find examples of sampling in other genres occasionally. But legal Issues have largely stifled Its widespread use.In todays society technology has extremely enhanced, although sampling Is common It Is connected to many legal Issues, laws, and restrictions. Many may assume or say that music sampling is stealing because its not original and the artist sees someone elses piece without the consent of the original artist. People also disagree with music sampling because most artist does not give the proper recognition to the original artists. According to lawyer Michelle AIBO, even the smallest shred of anothers work can be Infringement. This means that no matter how much of the piece you took a sample of If you did not get permission from the original artist or composer you are in violation of the law or right. A lot of people believe that music is suppose to be original and made your own. An artists music suppose to illustrate originality and creativity. They also believe that music sampling is the easy way out instead of taking the time to actually sit and develop a relatively creative piece without the use of someone elses work or ideas.Money also plays a artists to be unique and use the samples they would like to. How to make money off of every single sample should not be the focus but more on how to create guidelines for sampling. Furthermore, help staying connected to the music and artist in the past. I dont see anything wrong with sampling music. I believe music sampling is unique and cool. The fact that an artist can take a piece of music from somewhere else and combine it with their own to make a hot record is simply amazing. Music sampling adds a lot of value to songs. Sampling resurrects older artists careers.As Noah Coachman argues, all kinds of artists have always borrowed and built on each others work, these corporations have outlawed an art form. Music sampling depicts a combination of new and old while staying authentic and artistic. It also reconnects a lot of listeners to events in the past, it may also bring back special memories, which is highly important when trying to bring in a wide variety of listeners and customers. Sampling adds a new dimension to the cloudy issue of borrowing within pop music, since the actual recordings of other artists can be used. Young adults like myself like to hear the popular music of today and sometimes even old school music, sampling is the perfect way to combine the two! Its a new vibe with an old school feel to it. Personally I enjoy listening to old school records from the late ass early ass , they tell good stories. Most hip-hop artist are telling a story in their music. I believe artist uses pieces from the past to get older listeners to understand he story that is being told in the song. Of course the younger generation would understand but would the older generation get a sense of understanding if the artist did not use pieces from the past?Not at all, in todays society most older adults believe all artist talk about nowadays is sex, money, and drugs especially if the record sounds unfamiliar to them. For example, when Kindlier Lamar came out with the song Swi mming Pools my mother heard the chorus and automatically did not like the song because she couldnt relate, but once Kindlier Lamar came out with the Eng Poetic Justice she actually took the time out to listen to it because he used a sample from Janet Jackson song Anytime, Any place which is a song she listened to in her younger days. My mom actually listened to the lyrics and began to like the song. Sometimes it takes Just a little piece from the past for people to engage in the music of today. Music sampling would be a lot less controversial if it was regulated. It can be regulated by developing a legalized contract and discussing copyright permission from the owners, etc. Although artist dont intentionally mean to use samples and try o pass them off as their own, copyright owners still saw it as a problem and sued whomever it was that sampled the music.If music sampling was regulated properly there would be less commotion in the music industry. Regulating music sampling would be a big help because it would be fixed to where both the artists (the original artist the sampled artist) would get paid for the piece of music that sells in stores. Therefore both artist would get paid an equal amount of money and the original artist would receive proper recognition and compensation for the original piece. In conclusion music sampling still remains a controversial issue.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Purchasing Intentions Potential Customers - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Purchasing Intentions Potential Customers? Answer: Introduction Currently, the family-owned company (TTC) is celebrating 90 years of offering sustainable and long-term multi-cultural tourism. And, the company is free from debts and other challenges that hinder the smooth running and growth of public organizations. Their multi-cultural brand offers a platform for the customers to choose from approximately 30 distinct brands in different market segments. The brands offered by the company include holiday packages, guided tours, river cruises, and luxury hotels. The company stretches its services to 70 nations across five continents, has 10,000 employees, and serves 2 million customers annually.According to their website, TTCs philosophy aims to enhance travelers experiences by offering exceptional services that are tailored to meet the expectations of customers. Also, the company has set clear values that aim to establish long-lasting relationships with the customers, through the delivery of quality and consistent service, value, and experience. When an organization decides to market its products or services, it has to follow three distinct concepts which include production concept, selling concept, and marketing concept. The consumers select the products or services they need based on the product quality and ability to satisfy their needs. The Travel Corporation, therefore, should strive to communicate the best-perceived values which will make the customers consider and select the services offered by the company. Making sales requires TTC to approach the market using three concepts as stated above. First, a service that may not satisfy the customers well but the price is attractive. In this case, the customer will make the purchase decision based on price. This is the production concept. Second, the company may approach the market with a service that may not give the required satisfaction. However, the company will repeatedly overstate the benefits of the service, and the customers will respond appropriately (Cantallops, S alvi, 2014). This is the selling concept. Third, TTC may approach the market with a service that is will best satisfy the needs of the customers and the seller. This is the marketing concept. The thinkers of the business world argue that the marketing concept is a truism of business. It acts as the foundation of the marketing concept. Organizations that offer the best satisfaction to their customers are also in a position to fulfill their own needs. The marketing concept aims to deal with the needs of the customers rather than the needs of the services or products (Perreault Jr, Cannon, McCarthy, 2013). This increases the acceptability of the products offered by TTC. When TTC can offer services that meet the expectations of the customers, the expenses incurred in the process of promotion are reduced. Also, the chances that TTC will become a sick unit are significantly reduced due to the consistent patronage of clients. Evidently, the marketing concept demands a coordinated and integrated approach to marketing. Harmonizing the business activities ensures that there is efficiency in the marketing operations and economy. TTC can compare and evaluate the impacts of different sales territories and products. By checking on the flows of exchange, interacting activities, and institutions, the system approach enables a logical analysis of possible marketing challenges along with appropriate solutions (Godey, Pederzoli, Aiello, Donvito, Chan Weitz, 2012). The marketing concept offers both a philosophical and strategic value. The marketing concept helps the TTC management to direct the companys efforts towards the wider and long-term goals which may include the growth and stability of the company. A sustained and positive interaction with the clients becomes possible. TTC can respond appropriately to environmental changes if it is ready to pursue the marketing concept. A good understanding of the different va riables and the complex interplay associated with the variables makes it possible for the organization to identify the impending changes and make the necessary preparations. TTC, therefore, can deal with the prevailing pressures of environmental changes and competition. It is worth noting, however, that the marketing concept faces some limitations. First, it does not consider the greater social scope of marketing. The concept solely focuses on fulfilling the needs of the customers and disregards other stakeholders such as investors, employees, suppliers, the public, and the state. Consequently,the marketing concept may hinder the proper operations of managers. For instance, the manager may engage in activities that are likely to a pose danger to the general population such as polluting the air and environment (Guo, He, 2012). To interact positively and improve the image of the company, TTC management should be willing to put into consideration the well-being of various groups, not the customers, in the decision-making of marketing (Tadajewski Jones, 2012).For tour companies, in this case, TTC, taking part in sustainability makes great sense; both in getting more bookings and regarding ethics. If TTC is ready to promote environmental conservation, the travelers will be willing make more bookings with the company since they are ensured that their destinations will not harm them. Nowadays, selling a product or service has become difficult due to the high competition in the market. Every business is trying hard to attract the customers using different strategies. To sell a product or service, businesses need to come up with strategies which relate to packaging, brand, price, and advertising (Gordon, 2013). After taking analyzing the Contiki and Trafalgar websites keenly, it was evident that TTC developed its products to cater for the different market needs. TTC has adopted the key approaches that make the process of marketing easy and effective. This section will look at these approaches and revisit the situational factors employed by TTC to influence the purchase behaviors of the customers. Situational influences are impermanent factors that impact the behaviors of customers. Trafalgar has come up with a new slogan, rediscovering the romance of travel. This slogan is likely to capture the emotion and essence of traveling. Indeed, some scholars argue that the emotions state of customers might have an impact on the purchase decision-making process. Trafalgar also offers customers audio headsets to keep them entertained on smaller guided tours. This also has an impact on the emotional situation of the customers and eventually affects their decision making process. Another product offered by Trafalgar is the Be My Guest Product. This product suits the clients who are more interested in an intimate travel experience. This product offers the experience where customers are given a family treatment. In other words, the customers are welcomed into the houses of the local people, offered home-cooked meals. This type of informal encounter impacts the decision-making process of the customers who love meeting new people, tasting meals prepared by the locals, and shari ng meals. In addition to this, Trafalgar has come up with family-focused itineraries. This product will target the student customers since the tours are timed to happen during the school summer vacations. This product is designed to satisfy the needs of the family clients so that they can travel together. Taking a look at Contiki, the company has perfected the travel experiences for 18-35 years olds. This means that the young, wild and free can enjoy trips spanning six continents.Contiki communicates to its customers in many different ways, and the products offered by the company are super clear. By doing so, the company can influence the purchase decisions of its customers. Travel marketing requires strategy and time, and this is what Contiki has been able to achieve over the years. Contikis website is one of the major marketing tools that have attracted customers. The site is content-rich, user-friendly and appealing to the users who are comprised of individuals between the ages of 18-35 years. Moreover, the site isregularly updated to keep it relevant and updated. The company also capitalizes on the micro-moments. These are the moments when a person decides to do something. For instance, the company has introduced summer tours to cater for the school going students. The marketing strategy used by Contiki is concentrated on a particular section of the market (i.e., 18-35 years old). This type of strategy allows the company to specialize which may lead to economies in distribution, promotion, and production (Lin Huang, 2012). It is also important to note that the company offers service products such as flight, bus trip, food preparation and much more. The prices offered by Contiki have been designed to cater for the different market segments. By offering affordable costs for their products, Contiki can achieve increased value for its products. Internet information, booking, and over-the-phone services are some of the strategies used to reduce the time taken to buy a product and eventually reach a particular market segment. Contiki also recognizes that some customers enjoy having discussions with consultants, travel options, and their itinerary (MauriMinazzi, 2013). Knowledgeable and friendly travel consultants are an integral part of the companys product offering. The interaction between the travel agents and the customers is the major component of the value delivery sequence. Product components entail all those units that help make up a product. The components include goods, services, ideas, experience, people, and place. A study of Contiki Tours shows that it is a firm that offers packaged vacations to dozens of both local and international destinations whereby their market is bound by age whereby clients are between 18-35 years old. Largely, the firm is a service product, offering services such as flight, meal preparation, and bus trip. The firm is a specialty product with the fact that customers are willing to spend a wide range of looking for and evaluating their offers. Contiki is a high involvement product firm given the high risks of purchase. Consumers use variousvariables in determining the quality of a given product. Quality varies depending on the user in question (Maity, Dass, 2014). General, what itdeemed to be of value to one product may appear to be of little quality to another consumer. Customers have different ways of evaluating product quality and value. Some view a products price as a powerful indicator of a product quality. The various ways that customers use to evaluate the quality of a product include physical cues such as taste, smell or even size, place of origin of the product, the distribution channel, price of the goods and services and even the mode of packaging. First time-zone is a zone that involves consumers purchase behavior. In the first zone, customers are searching, estimating and selecting products that would meet their needs. There is recognition of unmet need; they look for information, valuing the available alternatives, ascertaining product qualities, valuing the risks associated as well as selecting the product. Before selecting the product, consumers always look for quality and value in a product, and also the satisfactory outcome of the product. They undertake an analysis of cost, risks, and benefits associated with the product. The costs may involve money, time and effort. Reviewing the products offered by Contiki Tours, many customers may value the value and quality of the services and products depending on how comfortable they would feel during the tour. The services offered involve traveling (John, Susan, 2015). The comfort of traveling using trains and even planes would make it more comfortable, making the consumer cross evaluate and reflect back (third time-zone). In valuing the quality of food provided, taste, aroma and even how regular the food is presented in a day may be deemed as a means of measuring its value. Contiki Tours offers milk at room temperature, coffee, and tea, cereals as well as toast with a possibility of having sausages and eggs. Dinner is taken at the pleasure of the customers as most of the time they would be traveling. Dinner is cooked in campsites where the customers may get involved. By involving the clients in preparation of meals and having them prepared in a different environment may be deemed by many as good and may reflect in evaluating it once again. ContikiTours offers accommodation, and its quality and value may be measured regarding price, security as well as the hospitality. With the housing price being included in the total price of the tour, there is an assurance of getting accommodation which includes budget hotels, hostels, and Contiki Owned Campsites depending on the trip. All this information is provided onContikis website, and the customer would likely measure its quality even before planning for the trip. This would, later on, influence their post-purchase behavior. Among other services offered include partying. The Contiki Tours have the reputation for having the best parties. Customers may have a different taste in the way the measure if these parties do suite them. Depending on customers, they may try to consider the extra activities involved such as dancing, karaoke, as well some games being available. Others may deem loud music not being favorable to them thus offsetting party. The atmosphere in which the party is set may also be of significance to customers. All this ways of evaluating the value may lead to some evaluating and reflecting back on the events while others may not be satisfied with it. Satisfaction is the measure of the way products and services supplied by a firm meet the needs of customers. A satisfied customer will always refer a particular companys product or the firm itself to their family and friends, creating a positive word of mouth, attracting new customers and lowering the cost of advertising (Vazifehdoost, Rahnama, Mousavian, 2014). When a customer is highly satisfied, they are unlikely to switch to other products. Transactional Satisfaction and its Impact on Future Decision Making of Customers Transactional satisfaction refers to when a customer has only one encounter with an organization (Ganiyu, Uche, Adeoti, 2012). Once the product has been delivered, the customers then reflects on their pre-purchase expectation and examine what has been delivered to them. If they receive as per their expectations, then they belong to a neutral zone of the firm offering the service. If what the customer has received is much more than what they anticipated, they are considered satisfied and maybe would keep using the products of the firm. If the consumers receive less of what they anticipated, they are dissatisfied and for that reason would try out alternatives from other firms to meet their satisfaction. This degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction and if the customer would prefer to use the products or services of the company varies with customers, depending on their pre-purchase anticipation. Satisfied customers would form a relationship with TTC hence influencing their future decis ion-making. Cumulative Satisfaction and its Impact on Future Decision Making of Customers The overall experience is based on a chain of positive encounters that brings about a cumulative sense of satisfaction. The value that is considered at the pre-purchase is short-lived but can transform to a fulfillment in the post-purchase level leading to repurchases enhancing customer loyalty. Cumulative satisfaction is viewed as a mental state that leads to a deep sense of confidence towards a product or service (Jahanshani, Hajizadeh, Mirdhamadi, Nawaser, Khaksar, 2014). The expectation of the customer is embedded in their mind, hence, do not have a second thought about purchasing a product or service. For example, a customer who has been using TTC in their expeditions in the past two years and has gained its confidence through experience, he will pick out the company, among other tour companies even in the future. Customers who gain trust with TTC mean that they are comfortable that the firm will deliver to their expectations. Mostly, cumulative satisfaction is a one clients eva luationhence TTC would not much rely on a single customer. The trust on the firm leads the customer to become loyal and hence would influence their future involvement with the firm. Collective Satisfaction and its Impact on Future Decision Making of Customers Collective satisfaction refers to the cumulative satisfaction of all customers. It is based on a large number of customers who find the products of a company satisfying, have gained trust in the products as well as becoming loyal to the company such that they would and will be willing to use the companys products for a long time in the future. Collective satisfaction is considered as the basis of how a company manufactures and maintain their brand (Paiola, Saccani, Perona,Gebauer, 2013). Once a firm maintains a collective satisfaction with its customers, it is bound to be successful, and developing other products would insinuate its customers to try them out hence building their reputation. A large number of customers shares information with their friends thus attracts a large number of users. The future consumer decision is influenced by that other customers would be easily swayed on choosing a particular product as first-time users due to recommendations from many other users of th e same product. Managing Customer Reviews Customer reviews refer to a review made by a customer regarding the purchase of a product or service. They form part of a customers feedback on online shopping sites. TTC can manage customers effectively by tracking the reviews in that they know when and where the reviews appear. In case of a collective satisfaction, the firm may consider creating their business page so that they claim whatever the site contains (Wirtz, Den Ambtman, Bloemer, Horvth, Ramaseshan, Van De Klundert, Kandampully, 2013). This improves the listing of The Tour Corporation in search rankings, allowing you to have individual access to tools of tracking and analyzing the reviews sent, and that opportunity of communicating with those who have reviewed your firm. To control the quality of the responses to the reviews to maintain their clients, TTC may choose one management to be responding to the reviews, suggesting to answer to positive compliments rather than the negative ones (Sashi, 2012). This shows appreciat ion to the customers. Having a large number of customers in the long-run, the firm would do all their best to maintain them. Managing negative reviews would be one of the options of retaining your customers. The reviews can be turned to the advantage of the firm in some instances. 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